Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eating Bread: Day 3

Many people took the plunge! The leftovers will be fed to my chickens. Thanks to all those who visited and/or participated.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Making Bread: Day 2

Last day is tomorrow, April 20, 2012: Come enjoy the 73 loaves on offer.*

* Tasting the bread is fine, but be mindful that the bread was made by unwashed hands and feet.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making Bread: Day 1
Images from a participatory installation in progress by Jamie Brown
on the steps of Rogers Art Building, Berea College, April 18, 2012

Tomorrow, April 19, 2012: Join me at the entrance to
Rogers Art Building to see what's under the cloth.
Shaping and baking begins around 1pm.